What should you do if you can't access digital content like eBooks or other e-resources through the portal during mid-term?

What should you do if you can't access digital content like eBooks or other e-resources through the portal during mid-term?

A: If you are unable to access certain digital content, such as eBooks, after being added to the class, follow these steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Log in to the 21K School portal: Visit the login page at 21K School Portal and enter your student or parent credentials.

  2. Navigate to the Digital Resources Section: Once logged in, go to the Digital Resources or E-books section available in the dashboard.

  3. Select the Appropriate Platform: Choose the specific platform (e.g., Oxford Advantage or Cambridge Go) from the list of integrated resources.

  4. Verify Access: Check if the resources have been updated. If not, refresh the page or clear your browser's cache to ensure any recent changes are reflected.

  5. Contact Support: If the problem persists, notify the class teacher through the LMS messaging feature or contact the support team by emailing info@21kschool.com or using the WhatsApp/phone support line at +919663213636.