How can you access assessments published individually by teachers on the portal?
You can find individual assessments under the "Personal Assignments" section on the portal. If your teacher assigns a specific assessment to you, it will be available there.
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Where can you access your report cards if you cannot download them from the portal?
You can access the soft copy of your report card on the portal. If you're having trouble downloading it, inform your teacher or the tech team via the LMS portal for assistance.
How do I resolve issues where my child cannot access or download class recordings from the portal?
Students cannot download recordings but can access them throughout the year on the portal. If there’s an access issue, ensure the recordings were properly uploaded and check for browser or internet issues.
How can I access and download the Report Card (RC) and other essential documents from the portal?
You can access and download the Report Card (RC) by logging into the portal and navigating to the “Reports” section. If you encounter difficulties, try clearing your browser cache or using a different browser.
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These tools are accessible via the Google Dashboard provided by the school. You can also log in using your school-provided email address to access tools like Canva, Padlet, and other learning resources.